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Send a Hug to Mom

The next best thing to giving Mom a hug is to send her one. This is a fantastic activity for kids and grand-kids and will result in a keepsake that Mom will cherish forever. Imagine mom’s delights when she opens the envelope and sees that the children have designed and colored in an artistic representation of themselves. She can immediately wrap the hug around her and make her feel connected, appreciated and loved.
Here are some simple instructions:
Step 1: If you have a roll of art paper, great! Cut off a 5 ft length. If you don’t have a roll of art paper then glue or tape five pieces of plain paper together end-to-end. Then glue one more piece in the center that will stick up from the rest and go under your child’s head.
Step 2: Have your child lie down on the paper with their arms outstretched and trace their arms, hands, fingers and head.
Step 3: Using colored pencils, crayons, or paints have your child create a beautiful image of themselves.
Step 5: Carefully cut out the image around the original trace lines.
Step 6: Accordion fold the arms inward and then fold the head down over the arms. This will leave you with a blank piece facing up where your child can write a greeting about the hug.
Inspiration and image from:
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