About Us

In April of 2020, with most of the country in lockdown and both of their careers on hold, Our Virtual Holiday founders Carrie & James found themselves discussing the impact of the pandemic and how a swift resolution was becoming more uncertain with every day. One thing they both felt was clear was that no matter how long it took for everyday life to return to something familiar, the future of holidays, celebrations and especially in-person gatherings were going to have to be adapted in order to combat the emotional and physical isolation.

At the core of our humanity is a desire to be together and celebrate even under the worst circumstances. Eternally optimistic, James pointed out that people are going to be actively searching for new and creative ways to stay connected and celebrate holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and every type of special event from a distance. Within hours, the creation of the whimsical terms “Farther’s Day”, “Social Christmasing” and “Stay Elfy” led to a vision and mission and Our Virtual Holiday was born.  

Carrie had climbed the corporate ladder crafting and executing marketing and PR promotions. James has spent his life as a comedy magician and owns an entertainment-based team building company. The duo felt well matched to build an online resource packed with blogs containing tips, games, activities and a huge gift catalog and did so within a matter of months. As fast as James could come up with unique concepts and artwork, Carrie worked to bring them to life and curate them for delivery to an ever-expanding online audience. Together, they’ve launched nearly 1,000 exceptional gifts for everyone on your list and 300 fun and compelling blog posts that will help families celebrate every event at a distance of 6 feet or 6000 miles!  

New products and blogs are added every week, so be sure to bookmark the site, sign up for the newsletter and always find a new way to stay connected at a distance.  

Our Mission:

Throughout most of human history people rarely left the village where they were raised. In the past century it has become common for friends and family to travel and live at great distances from each other. Trying to stay connected in a meaningful way can be overwhelming and that’s where we come in. Thanks to cutting-edge technology and newly developed resources we can help make your village a global one. We want to do more than just help you communicate, we’re here to help you celebrate! 

Being at a distance from our friends and family isn’t new! And now, we can bridge that distance using technology that lets you create, interact and connect like never before. Our Virtual Holiday will help you navigate building stronger connections than ever before, whether your loved ones are under the same roof or 5,000 miles away.

Martha Stewart

“Some of my favorite tips and tricks to help keep you busy during these hard times” – Martha Stewart

We help you be Closer at a Distance.