Site icon Our Virtual Holiday

Sleigh at Home Order

Don’t let the lack of snow or an actual sleigh, hamper your child’s fun this winter. With our help you’re about to create an incredible memory for your whole family by taking your child on a virtual sleigh ride. How elaborate you want to make the experience is entirely up to you but here are some of our suggestions.

Create a Virtual Sleigh Ride

Place a hamper close to a big screen TV (as close to eye level as possible.) Place a fan next to the TV pointed at the hamper. Using your TV go to the following link on YouTube, pause it and click the full screen button.

Turn off all the lights in the room and guide your child in with their eyes closed.

Place them in the hamper, start the video and the fan and tell them to open their eyes.

As the virtual sleigh ride begins start to move and shake the hamper to match the movements of the sleigh on the video.

If you want to add some extra enhancement to magic you can put a scarf on your child give them some ski goggles and even spray a little bit of water or sprinkle confetti in the path of the fan.

Whatever you do make sure that someone videotapes the whole thing. It is sure to become a priceless memory and maybe even a family tradition.

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