Category Archives: Teens: Tips & Activities

Great Movies to Share with Teens

Your teen isn’t going to want to admit it…but they’re going to love all of these teen movies.

Our Virtual Holiday’s personal Teen Movie favorites are: 

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Big
  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  • Twilight
  • Grease
  • The Breakfast Club
  • Clueless
  • Sixteen Candles
  • Austin Powers
  • True Lies
  • Karate Kid
  • Rocky
  • The Last Unicorn
  • 10 Things I Hate About You
  • Bring it On
  • Center Stage

Check out other tips for teens!

Momcraft & Call of Daddy

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Different generations grow up with extremely different hobbies and distractions. What we all have in common is the basic belief that our generation had the best games, pastimes and distractions.
Most of the hobbies and pastimes that we stick with we do so because they are somehow addictive. For us it might be golf or Facebook and for your kids it might be YouTube and Minecraft.
Now, it’s often difficult to remember why we have kids but I am sure that we didn’t have them so they could be locked in a dark room playing Fortnite and cursing at their screen while we’re in the kitchen watching political ads on Facebook and cursing at our screens.
One day, surprise the heck out of your teenager and ask them to teach you to play one of their favorite games.
I can almost guarantee three things:
It will be frustrating for both of you.
It will be funny at times.
And you will most likely end up just as addicted to that game as your kid is.
Not only will you end up being the coolest mom or dad on the block but think of the bragging rights when you beat your kid at a game designed for 13 year olds. 
Please resist the temptation to punish them by taking away their Xbox just so you can secretly get in some practice.

Have a Rice Day

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Sushi has become a delicious staple of the American diet. It is one of those foods that manages to remain exotic even though we consume it on a regular basis. Being that it is a specialty, folks are far less likely to attempt to make it at home. Now that folks are far less likely to go to restaurants there may be a sushi void in your household. For all of these reasons this could be the perfect project for you and your teen. Unless you’re able to get to a specialty store to pick up the correct and unique items you will need, you may have to allow time to get certain things delivered. Below is a list of things that you might need. Keep in mind this is all before you even choose which kind of sushi you’re going to make.
  1. Bamboo Rice Paddle
  2. Bamboo Rolling Mat
  3. Roasted Seaweed Sheets (Nori).
  4. Sushi Rice
  5. Rice Vinegar
  6. Soy Sauce
  7. Wasabi.
  8. Chopstix for Everyone
    Sushi Oke/Hangiri – optional, but recommended.
    9. Sushi oke, also called hangiri, are shallow flat-bottomed bowls made from a type of Japanese cypress called hinoki.


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There is no better way to exercise at home, clear the mind and vent frustration.
Working out with a punching bag, or the larger heavy bag, builds stamina and a tremendous amount of coordination. It is a fact that extended workouts also lead to deeper and longer sleep patterns. It is also a fact that when teens start to workout they also start to take better care of their bodies. They will often start to eat healthier foods and will naturally want to avoid vices such as cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.
I’ve learned over the years that the impact of a gift or event can be greatly increased by secretly getting them interested. For instance playing a lot of Aerosmith in the car when I know that I’m going to surprise my son with tickets to the concert. In this case I might play Rocky on a movie night and then a few days later present them with boxing gloves and a heavy bag. This kind of set up can sometimes backfire. For instance don’t watch the movie Halloween and then give your teen a hockey mask.

Splatter Control

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The idea of young people running around and shooting at each other definitely runs contrary to my upbringing however it is, undeniably, a lot of fun. Since we have ultimately decided to recommend it as an activity I’m going to concentrate on the pros and let your sensibilities dictate whether this activity is for your teen. My son had been asking for me to bring him and his friends for a long time. I finally acquiesced for his birthday and made the following observations:
They had to learn and follow a bunch of very strict safety rules.
The kids work together as a team and put together a strategy.
Not only did the activity take up most of the day but the kids were outside, wearing face coverings and staying separate from each other.
Last but not least I got to be the “cool” dad and was asked to join in. I found it to be great exercise and an adrenaline rush. I will never forget that day (mostly because I’m still finding dried paint in all my nooks and crannies). You haven’t lived until your kids use you as a human shield.
Here are a few tips:
Paintballs hurt! Everyone should wear two pairs of clothing, one tight and one loose to minimize the impact of the paintballs. A hoodie up top is recommended highly.
Bring wipes for the mask faceplate. Load the paint holders very carefully by cutting just the corner of the plastic off the paintball bag otherwise they tend to go everywhere. Every participant should bring a change of clothes, including shoes, unless you plan on getting your car completely detailed after the event. Bring a separate plastic bag for each kid to put their paint covered clothes and shoes in.